IMA Expands Acceptable Temperature and Humidity Guidelines

The Indianapolis Museum of Art recently expanded the temperature and relative humidity ranges allowed in most of its museum galleries and art storage spaces in order to reduce the energy usage of the museum while continuing rigorous stewardship of the art objects in...

Art Collector Disaster Mitigation & Planning Checklist

BE PREPARED The hurricane season runs from June through end of November. Hazards from these storms come in many forms including high winds and storm surges.  Tornados, flooding and other disasters can happen at any time. A simple disaster plan along with employing...

Tax Notes – Space for Storage

Effective 10/1/06, amendments to the New Jersey Sales and Use Tax Act (P.L. 2006, c. 44) impose tax on the furnishing of space for storage of tangible personal property by a person engaged in the business of furnishing space for such storage. Charges for the service...

Active and Passive Microclimate Generation

Written for The Exhibitionist Magazine Copyright Jerry Shiner 2003 Perhaps there is a museum, someplace, where visitors can be trusted not to touch the objects on display, where the humidity is always stable, and the temperature is forever comfortable. With no dust or...

Relative Humidity and Temperature Guidelines

By: Stefan Michalski Publication What’s Happening? There is a rumour going around that CCI no longer cares about temperature and humidity specifications! That there’s no need to worry about those impossible standards! Well, the truth is that our approach...

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